Sunday, May 21, 2006

Male Bonding!

Austin had his 9th BD party here at home. What a wild day dodging thunderstorms. We swam in the lake, played on the water slide and had a camp fire complete with hotdogs and smore's. After a long day of fun we finally got all 10 boys to sleep around 1 AM!


thedollymama said...

Is it just me, or do I see some FEmales participating in the alleged "male bonding" party?

Happy Birthday, Austin! We love you and will see you soon!!

Unknown said...

Yes, we had to spice it up a little but for the record they did go home before midnight.

Connie said...

10 boys for a sleepover? You guys are great parents!

Happy Birthday, Austin! Looks like you had a super fun day.

(9 years old already? That's just not right!)


Anonymous said...

Love it great pics!!!!! What a pretty little girl next to the handsome birthday boy!

thedollymama said...

Monica! You made it to the blog! Good job!

CU soon! Amy