Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Disney, Hilton Head style!
We arrived in Disney's Hilton Head South Carolina Friday. The weather has been great so far. Friday night we enjoyed a campfire and smore's. Today we spent all day at the beach. The boys enjoyed finding crabs, playing in the ocean and sand. We ended up at the pool later in the day and then fishing off the dock (they are still out there so unsure if anything was caught).
Do you have a fifth child you neglected to tell us about?
What fun! Just don't forget the sunscreen. ;)
Looking forward to more pictures...
You know me better than that. I would never dress my child like that, especially for the camera.
The beach looks great very inviting! Lance used to have a suit just like it :) JK
looks like you guys had a lot of fun we gotta come up there sometime.
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