We finally had a break from the rain and headed out for a ride on the boat. Tommy wakeboarded and practiced his wake to wake jump. We ended up at the Tiki Hut for dinner(a very quiet night there due to the weather).
We spent Saturday playing paintball with Tommy and Austin. It was hot but we had a great time. Austin got to be be leader to a group of teenagers and Tommy got his first bunker tag. I was able to feel for the first time what it is like to get hit by a paintball in the leg (I still have the bruise to prove it).
Happy Father's day to all the dad's out there! Hope you all had a great day. A special Happy Father's Day to my Tom, I am so thankful to have you as a husband and the father of our boys. I love you!
We spent Friday night at Grammy and Pappap's house for a great dinner, swimming and of coarse CAKE! Happy 71st Pappap, we look forward to spending many more with you young man.
We took the plunge and purchased a new boat with a wakeboard tower. Tommy has been enjoying the sport for a year now and we figured with the other 3 not far behind it has a good investment. I have been practicing the last 2 days driving it and will attempt my fist solo with the boys to a park on the lake to visit our homeschool friends this Friday. Wish me luck!!!
Tommy has been enjoying wakeboarding since last summer and has started competing in INT this year. He has also taken up wakeskating which is wakebaording without bindings. It is harder then wakeboarding but he is having alot of fun with it.